More than 37 million people in the U.S., according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, provide unpaid care to a family member (spouse, parent, or grandparent) aged 65 or older. Add in folks who are caring for a chronically ill or disabled relative of any age, and that number jumps to 65 million caregivers. Demographic research suggests that most caregivers manage healthcare issues like handling medications and taking their loved ones to medical appointments.
Caregivers are important connectors between patients and health care providers for a meaningful segment of the population. So they’re a key, if sometimes overlooked, audience for marketers at health care organizations ranging from large medical networks to grassroots organizations that serve elders and folks who need special care.
The first step in marketing to a specific audience is to understand who they are and what they need. So let’s throw out a few more demographics. Caregivers to elderly relatives tend to be Gen Xers and young Boomers, while those who care for a chronically ill or dependent child may be younger than that. About 60% of unpaid family caregivers are employed, and nearly half of them provide care multiple times a week. Many of those on the younger end of the spectrum also have kids at home, aka the “sandwich generation.” All these obligations mean that caregivers are under time constraints, financial strain, and emotional toll.
So as you’re developing campaigns and messaging for caregivers, think of them as your typical audience of prospective patients … plus having a bunch of other needs and concerns.
They want health care partners they feel comfortable with. They want positive outcomes from their care. They consider location and convenience and insurance coverage when making decisions. They want to trust the providers they turn to for care.
Plus … they’re under the stress of making decisions for someone else. If they’re parents managing a young adult child’s mental health issues, they may be in crisis and unsure about how to get help. They’re juggling their loved one’s life in addition to their own. They need ease of access and convenient appointments. Making them feel confident and supported is really important. They need solutions, not just services.
Marketers can emphasize three key qualities about their brands when reaching out to caregivers:
Imagine what the caregiver’s objectives are for their loved ones — keeping them healthy and living a vibrant life, getting quality care, helping them feel good about their doctors so they keep appointments and follow prescriptions. Instead of a hard sell, a lifestyle-oriented campaign can paint a picture of what those positive results look like.
You might also focus on the patient experience their loved one will have: that they’ll be comfortable in a room or rehab facility, they’ll engage with caring providers, even have great food while they’re in the hospital. A big concern for caregivers is whether their parent or grandparent will be happy.
Help caregivers see that your organization has practical services that meet their needs and fit into their busy schedules. Your content library might include tips for managing caregiver stress, financial aid for caregivers, etc. Introduce your internal social workers who help advocate for their loved ones and work as an ally with the caregiver to navigate follow-up care and referrals. Include content on your website that directs caregivers to support from other resources in your community. This will build trust in your brand and encourage them to lean on you as a resource.
Highlight offerings that help caregivers manage their role — such as evening appointment hours or convenient locations with multiple types of practitioners. It might be really helpful to a caregiver, for example, to have their parent’s physician and their kid’s pediatrician in the same office. Telehealth, especially for consultation with specialists, is another caregiver-friendly service. If your organization offers financial support to families in need, make that part of your messaging. The main thing to keep in mind here is the importance of building a relationship with the caregivers, not just outright selling.
Building relationships with caregivers (in addition to the people they help) starts with a solid brand foundation. Your brand’s strength and consistency in your market is really important because a caregiver’s decision about which provider to choose may well depend on where they personally feel the greatest connection and confidence. Integrated marketing campaigns that reach your caregiver audience where they typically get their information — and speak to them with compassion and empathy — will earn their trust.
We’ve helped health care organizations create brands and campaigns that connect with all their audiences. Let’s talk about what you need!
Tenth Crow Creative is a brand marketing agency that creates, aligns, and promotes messaging for health and wellness organizations. Through insightful branding, engaging design and compelling marketing campaigns, we help these essential organizations find their identities and effectively communicate with their stakeholders so they can fulfill their missions.
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Tenth Crow Creative
Healthcare Marketing