
Insights and musings

Healthcare marketers: Are you challenged to do more with less?

Lean staff, tight budgets, competing priorities. Here are four ways healthcare marketing teams can do their best work right now. Read More

Tenth Crow Newsletter

Hey, check out our most recent newsletter. We’ve included some topics that our healthcare marketing friends might find interesting and there’s some info about a community-based campaign we launched a bit ago and continue to spread the word about.

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Marketing: An Impactful PR Tool

PR is traditionally tasked with reputation management. But we’d argue that a strong brand and integrated marketing are effective ways to approach reputation management.
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Is it time to overhaul your website?

Know when tweaks and basic updates are fine, and when you need to completely upgrade your site.
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Partnerships are critical to improving a community’s mental and physical health

Creating a healthier population truly does take a village, and marketing is key to communicating the benefits.
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Target your healthcare marketing campaigns to the right audiences

How healthcare marketers can identify and communicate with the right people at the right timeRead More

Small Acts of Community Campaign Launched

Proud of our team developing and launching the “Small Acts of Community” campaign for a group of Burlington area nonprofits and organizations who have come together with a rallying call for our beloved Queen City and its surrounding communities.

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Email marketing best practices for medical providers

Email is an essential part of the healthcare marketing mix. Here are 6 best practices we’ve developed in our work with brands in the healthcare field.
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Marketing healthcare practices with multiple locations

As your healthcare organization grows, brand consistency becomes even more important. Here are some tips for making it happen.Read More

How healthcare marketers can attract new patients

So many factors influence consumers’ decisions to visit a new provider; here are 6 that marketers should pay attention to.
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