
Insights and musings

Wondering how your professional service is unique? First, look at how it’s not.

Professional Service organizations (law firms, healthcare organizations, banks and financial services, architects and the like) face a unique challenge: claiming a unique positioning in a highly competitive market full of “me too” brands. Nothing is more important to long-term business … Read More

How to find your professional service firm’s differentiation factor

Claiming brand differentiation can be difficult for professional service firms for a number of reasons:

  • Professional service industries are constantly undergoing change, and firms find themselves shaping and expanding services to meet evolving demands
  • Professional service firms often wind … Read More

5 elements of a strong nonprofit brand in 2017

Strong, resonant and impactful branding for nonprofit organizations is more important than ever, for the simple reason that competition for the time and attention of your audience members is growing increasingly fierce. We each endure a barrage of messages, … Read More

It was time.

We are all familiar with the term “The Comfort Zone”.

It’s safe, it’s easy, it feels good. And it can be necessary to stay there for a while. Yet, as we all know, Richard Branson or Serena Williams wouldn’t … Read More

8 brands we fell in love with in 2016

It’s a fact of life: we all interact with dozens of brands a day. From the brands of toothpaste or coffee we choose to the clothes we choose to wear to work, we’re swimming in brand choices and developing brand … Read More

The Tenth Crow Creative Graphic Designer Gift Guide

Graphic designers are special people (believe us… we have an office full of ’em) and it can be hard to know how to go about finding a holiday gift that is perfect for their creative, colorful spirits. We thought it would … Read More

The difference design can make in communicating trust, safety and health

In today’s competitive healthcare market, the importance of having a brand that communicates trust, safety and health is paramount. All three are essential – yet nonphysical – aspects of your healthcare brand’s equity, and all three can be established and … Read More

6 signs that your medical practice is ready for a rebrand

As with any business or organization, from time to time, it’s important for healthcare organizations and medical practices to check in on the health of their brands. Brand assessments are a natural, essential step in the evolution of any … Read More

What is Black Friday, if not a chance to exercise our values?

In 36 hours, America will be knee-deep in Black Friday. There are many different ways to look at this event: minimalists and environmentalists may bemoan the excessive consumerism; businesswomen and men will wait with anticipation to see end-of-day sales; … Read More

Brand authenticity: What it is and why it’s important

No matter the size or scale of your business, ‘authenticity’ is an aspect of branding that’s important to consider in order to stay competitive in today’s modern market. Authenticity is a trendy marketing buzzword, but there’s good reason behind its … Read More